Time is your Swimming Pool, Not Your Master

What if you could rest in to time as an ever-present resource, a medium, which you are in collaboration with? Two paradoxically true perspectives on time’s roll in the experience of spirit offer the same relaxing conclusion.

Paradox is the altar and the deity, the challenge and the essential design. 

You can use the calendar to ground and create tradition. Particular days when you engage in particular ways of remembering your nature. Time is the LOCATION where your practices live. 20 minutes in the morning to meditate, 2 hours on Sundays to be in nature, 1 day in Spring to honor the equinox. Let time be a place where you swim through questions about who you are, not a cruel master, always nipping at your heels.

This week's Torah portion article describes the marking of time with cycles of tradition. Tantric text worships timelessness, or the perpetual unfolding as the place of sanctified presence. Verse 63 in the Radiance Sutras - "Dance in your true body before time, Shimmering energy without end."

Are you drawn to grounding ritual in time? Particular days, times of day, times of year, when you practice particular ways of remembering God/Nature/Physics/The improbable miraculous nature of Aliveness/Your sense of the divine? 

Or is your mantra constant presence? In whatever moment graces you with remembrance?

Choose both.

We can hold linear functions of units of time and also the idea that "the question is not the future of humanity but rather the presence of eternity." You can use time as a creation to be worshipped; A reminder of the precept "use it well" AND rest in to that which is eternal about your nature.

If there isn’t enough time what could there possibly be enough of? All you have is time. It surrounds you like breath as a constant companion from birth to death.

This is essentially a paradox that wrestles with mortality. Does your awareness of time's finite grip on your life evoke fear or a "both feet first" attitude towards a life richly lived? Do you perceive that there is something of you, which will remain when your personality does not? Can you touch this something with your awareness before you die? 

Time is a scintillating substance beckoning your attention; a permission like ether, to be. Take up your portion of moments with vivid awareness, like clockwork on Sundays with devotion, to remember that you are made of the same elemental particles as the trees, and anytime, anywhere when breath calls you back to reverence for the strange gift of being embodied and self-aware.

Stay Encouraged,

Hilary Elizabeth


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