
Health Coaching

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If you wish you experienced more pleasure in your body, are exhausted by striving towards beauty as prescribed by American capitalism, or sense that nature holds sacred keys to your well-being, an allied relationship with me as your health coach can catalyze your momentum and help you remember your natural vitality.

What it looks like: Powerful conversations, goal setting and collaborative investigation in to what it is you really want vitality to look like.

You choose the time frame, the duration of our sessions and the goals most important to you each time we meet. I guide the process.

Reclaim pleasure and beauty as languages of healing.

Anxiety, fraught relationships with our bodies, and combative dynamics with food are often rooted in oppression of your right to pleasure and beauty.

Remember with me that pleasure is your birthright and beauty is a moral imperative. Take a whole human approach to your vitality and live in to your rare and wild opportunity as consciousness embodied.

I look to Buddhist wisdom, Positive Psychology and Tantric perspectives to help you move towards empowered vitality.


Health Coaching clarifies your strengths and inner resources, builds your capacity for sustained change, and asks powerful questions to get at the values that motivate you.

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